Send Logs to Arrikto for Troubleshooting

This section describes how to send logs to the Arrikto Support Team. Arrikto will then help you troubleshoot your deployment.

What You’ll Need


  1. Compute the SHA256 hash of the tarball:

    root@rok-tools:~# sha256sum ${TARBALL?} 1992943f84705171b697af6f7ab1b35475eee99fbf6c92fd6b3d8c9e15663053 /root/ekf-logs-20211217-012205.tar.gz
  2. Switch to the $HOME directory of your personal machine:

    user@workstation:~$ cd ~


    For the following steps, we will use user@workstation as a way to show the commands that should run in your personal machine.

  3. Specify the name of the tarball that contains the logs:

    user@workstation:~$ export TARBALL=<TARBALL>

    Replace <TARBALL> with the filename of the tarball. For example:

    user@workstation:~$ export TARBALL=ekf-logs-20211217-012205.tar.gz
  4. Download the logs to the $HOME directory of your personal machine. Choose one of the following options based on where you have created your management environment.

    1. Copy the tarball from the rok-tools Kubernetes Pod to your personal machine:

      user@workstation:~$ kubectl cp rok-tools-0:/root/${TARBALL?} ~/${TARBALL?}
    1. Copy the tarball from the local rok-tools Docker container to your personal machine:

      user@workstation:~$ docker cp rok-tools:/root/${TARBALL?} ~
    1. Specify the SSH command that you use to connect to your cloud instance:

      user@workstation:~$ export SSH_COMMAND=<SSH_COMMAND>

      Replace <SSH_COMMAND> with the command that you use to connect to your cloud instance. For example:

      user@workstation:~$ export SSH_COMMAND=ssh user@cloud
    2. Copy the tarball from the remote rok-tools Docker container to your personal machine:

      user@workstation:~$ ${SSH_COMMAND?} docker exec rok-tools cat /root/${TARBALL?} > ${TARBALL?}
  5. Compare the SHA256 hash of the retrieved tarball with the hash of step 1:

    user@workstation:~$ sha256sum ${TARBALL?} 1992943f84705171b697af6f7ab1b35475eee99fbf6c92fd6b3d8c9e15663053 /root/ekf-logs-20211217-012205.tar.gz


    The hashes do not match

    If you have used a custom SSH command, make sure that it does not allocate a TTY, as it can add extra characters in the retrieved tarball.

  6. Send the tarball to Arrikto from your personal machine.

    Contact Arrikto

    Contact the Arrikto Support Team on how to send the tarball.


You have successfully sent the logs you have gathered to the Arrikto Support Team.

What’s Next

Check out the rest of the maintenance operations that you can perform on your cluster.