Fetch Arrikto GitOps Repository Locally

This guide will walk you through fetching the Arrikto GitOps repository locally so that you can mirror it afterwards to you internal Git repository.

What You'll Need

Choose one of the following options, based on how you are going to fetch the Arrikto GitOps repository.

  • A host that can connect to GitHub with HTTPS.
  • A GitHub account.
  • A Personal Access Token for your GitHub account.

Contact Arrikto

Request an invite to the https://github.com/arrikto/deployments GitOps repository.

  • A host that can connect to GitHub with SSH.
  • A deployment key for the Arrikto GitOps repository.

Contact Arrikto

If you don't have a deployment key, please contact the Arrikto Tech Team to create one for you.

  • A host that can connect to Google Cloud Storage with HTTPS.
  • An Arrikto-provided signed URL.

Contact Arrikto

If you don't have a Google Signed URL provided by Arrikto, please contact the Arrikto Tech Team to create one for you.

See also


Choose one of the following options, based on how you are going to fetch the Arrikto GitOps repository.

  1. Clone the repo using an SSH URL from inside your bastion host:

    user@bastion:~$ git clone --mirror git@github.com:arrikto/deployments deployments
    Cloning into 'deployments'...
  1. Clone the repo using an HTTPS URL from inside your bastion host:

    user@bastion:~$ git clone --mirror https://github.com/arrikto/deployments deployments
    Cloning into 'deployments'...

    This will prompt for your Username and Password. Use your GitHub user and your Personal Access Token respectively.

  1. Use the Arrikto-provided URL to download the tarball from inside your bastion host:

    user@bastion:~$ wget -O deployments.tgz <ARRIKTO_TARBALL_URL>

    Replace <ARRIKTO_TARBALL_URL> with the URL that Arrikto provided to you.

  2. Extract the downloaded tarball:

    user@bastion:~$ tar xzvf deployments.tgz


You have successfully fetched the Arrikto GitOps repository locally.

What's Next

The next step is to mirror the local clone of the Arrikto GitOps repository to your internal Git repository.