Rok 0.13

Rok Registry

From v0.13 onwards, the Rok Registry requires a service token in order to communicate with certain Fort endpoints. With the Gunicorn service stopped, create a service resource for the Rok Registry API in Fort, by doing the following:

$ rok-fort-manage app-create --name "Rok Registry" --type service

This command should return the client ID of the service. You can use it to create a token for that service as follows:

$ rok-fort-manage token-create --app <client_id> --duration 73808216064


Substitute <cliend_id> with the Client ID from the previous command's output.

Finally, you can store that token in the Rok Registry settings, by editing the /etc/rok/indexer/ settings file:

$ echo "ROK_FORT_SERVICE_TOKEN = '<token>'" >> /etc/rok/indexer/


Substitute <token> with the Token from the previous command's output.