Rok 0.12

To upgrade to Rok v0.12 follow this guide.

Local thickly provisioned volumes


Up to v0.11, Rok uses the Linux kernel's thin-provisioning device mapper target to provision and snapshot local volumes. The latest version of Rok (v0.12) adds support for thickly provisioned local volumes using linear mappings over local devices. This offers increased performance (more than double the IOPS) as well as improved stability (the thin device mapper target behaves erratically and panics when there is no space left).

Bellow we describe the steps needed to upgrade to thickly provisioned volumes.

Upgrade steps

Currently we do not support offline migration from a previously used thin pool to a new thick VG, so you should backup your data before migrating. The following steps describe the process you should follow to migrate a workload running on Kubernetes, backed by Rok on thinly provisioned volumes:

  1. Backup all PVs which use the Rok Storage Class, by registering them on the local Rok installation.
  2. Remove all PVCs/PVs backed by Rok.
  3. Replace the --volume-pool command line argument of the rok-csi-node pod DaemonSet with --thick and --volume-group=VG. The latter should point to the Volume Group to use for local storage.
  4. Present the backed-up PVs.

Rok Appliances

Upgrade the Rok appliances by replacing the BOOT disk with the new version of the appliance and then running some scripts that perform all the upgrade steps. The upgrade procedure consists of upgrading the master node first and then the remaining nodes, in a rolling upgrade approach.

Upgrade the master node

Find the master node of the cluster:

$ rok-cluster-ctl member-list

Ensure that it will remain the master node of the cluster by setting it as the only master capable node. We require this step in order to avoid automatic failover to nodes that are using older versions.

Inspect which are the master capable nodes:

$ rok-config get | grep master_capable

And remove the master capability from all other nodes, by running the following command for each node:

$ rok-config set cluster.members.$host.master_capable=False

You can run the following one-liner to perform the above commands:

$ for i in $(rok-config get | grep master_capable | grep -v $(hostname)| grep -v "^host"); do rok-config set $(echo $i | sed 's/True/False/'); done

Power the machine off, change the BOOT disk with the new version of the appliance, and power on the machine. Login to the node and run the following command that completes all required tasks to upgrade the shared state of the Rok cluster:

$ rok-cluster-upgrade-v0.12.0 upgrade-cluster

After upgrading the cluster state, you need to run the following command to upgrade the node:

$ rok-cluster-upgrade-v0.12.0 upgrade-node

At this point, the master node is successfully upgraded to v0.12.0. You can continue by upgrading the remaining nodes of the cluster.

Upgrade the slave nodes

Upgrade the code of every node by replacing each node's BOOT disk. Then run the upgrade-node command to upgrade the node:

$ rok-cluster-upgrade-v0.12.0 upgrade-node


You are not required to run the upgrade-cluster, since this command must run only on the master node.

After successfully upgrading all nodes to v0.12.0, the upgrade to v0.12.0 is successfully completed.

Upgrade maps

Rok v0.12 introduces hierarchical maps which can be created only with the v4 map format. After upgrading all nodes to v0.12, you can upgrade all maps with the following steps:

  1. Set the map version for newly created maps, by setting the composer.map_version cluster configuration variable:

    $ rok-config set composer.map_version=4
    $ rok-config apply
  2. Upgrade existing maps with:

    $ rok-composer-tool map-upgrade --all


    The above command will create a backup map named after the previous map version with a ~v3.bak suffix.

  3. Ensure that everything is working as expected with:

    $ rok-composer-tool verify
  4. Delete map backups with:

    $ rok-cluster-gc --delete-backups


Hierarchical maps are still an experimental and incomplete feature, and are enabled only when setting the composerd.maptree_degree cluster configuration.

Rok S3 daemon

When using the Rok S3 daemon in a cloud whose S3 service does not implement the versioning related S3 API calls, such as IBM S3 or minio, include the following line in the [s3d.0] section of /etc/rok/daemons.conf:

assume-no-versioning = true

This argument will make the S3 daemon assume that versioning is disabled, and completely prevent it from performing any versioning-related calls to the S3 service. Note that the use of this argument will also imply the use of the --no-versioning argument, which can optionally be removed.