Snapshot Notebook

This guide will walk you through creating a snapshot of a notebook server using Rok.

What You'll Need


Choose one of the following options, depending on your desired environment.

  1. Select Snapshots from the left-side menu.

  2. Click on the bucket in which you want to create the snapshot.

  3. Click Snapshot.

  4. Select the JupyterLab service.

  5. In the snaphot form:

    1. Set Namespace to the namespace of the notebook you wish to snapshot.

    2. Set Name to the name of the notebook you wish to snapshot.

    3. Set Filename to the name of the snapshot you are about to create.

    4. Click Snapshot.



      The task failed with an authorization error

      Rok tasks use the rok-task-runner service account that exists in the same namespace as the task for authorization. Therefore, if the task fails with an error similar to the following in its logs:

      2021-11-11T16:25:59.911064+00:00  ERROR  ApiException: (403)
      Reason: Forbidden
      HTTP response headers: HTTPHeaderDict({'Audit-Id': 'e95d761c-6dd3-4e72-ae27-a15b6e10a52f', 'Content-Length': '399', 'X-Content-Type-Options': 'nosniff', 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache, private', 'Date': 'Thu, 11 Nov 2021 16:25:59 GMT', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'})
      HTTP response body: {"kind":"Status","apiVersion":"v1","metadata":{},"status":"Failure","message":" \"notebook2\" is forbidden: User \"system:serviceaccount:kubeflow-user:rok-task-runner\" cannot get resource \"notebooks\" in API group \"\" in the namespace \"kubeflow-admins\"","reason":"Forbidden","details":{"name":"notebook2","group":"","kind":"notebooks"},"code":403}

      then the rok-task-runner service account does not have permissions to snapshot the notebook in the namespace in which you are trying to create the snapshot. If you are using default EKF permissions, this means you have to switch to the namespace of the notebook you are about to snapshot from the Kubeflow dashboard's namespace selector.

      Alternatively, if you wish to provide the rok-task-runner service account with access to the namespace of the notebook you are about to snapshot, follow the instructions in the Share Namespace section of the docs.

  1. Select Notebooks from the central Kubeflow dashboard.

  2. Select the namespace of the notebook you wish to snapshot using the namespace selector.

  3. Pick a notebook to connect to, and click CONNECT. This does not need to be the same notebook as the one you are about to snapshot.

  4. Open a new terminal.

  5. Specify the bucket in which you want to create the snapshot:

    jovyan@mynotebook-0:~$ export ROK_BUCKET=<BUCKET>

    Replace <BUCKET> with the bucket name, for example:

    jovyan@mynotebook-0:~$ export ROK_BUCKET="notebooks"
  6. Create the bucket, in case it does not already exist:

    jovyan@mynotebook-0:~$ rok bucket-create ${ROK_BUCKET?}


    The bucket already exists

    If the command fails with the following error message:

    Error: Bucket 'notebooks' already exists

    then the bucket already exists. In this case, ignore the error and continue to the next step.

  7. Specify the name of the notebook you want to snapshot:

    jovyan@mynotebook-0:~$ export NOTEBOOK=<NOTEBOOK>

    Replace <NOTEBOOK> with the notebook name, for example:

    jovyan@mynotebook-0:~$ export NOTEBOOK=notebook2
  8. (Optional) Specify the namespace of the notebook you are about to snapshot. This guide assumes the notebook you have connected to lives inside the same namespace as the notebook you are about to snapshot. If that is the case, then you can skip this step.

    However, if you wish to snapshot a notebook that lives in a different namespace, specify the namespace explicitly in the following environment variable:

    jovyan@mynotebook-0:~$ export ROK_PARAM_REGISTER_JUPYTER_NAMESPACE=kubeflow-shared


    If you set the above environment variable, the rok CLI tool takes it into account automatically. Instead of specifying the namespace via an environment variable, you can alternatively include the --param namespace=<NAMESPACE> command line argument in the command of the next step.

  9. Snapshot the notebook:

    jovyan@mynotebook-0:~$ rok object-register jupyter ${ROK_BUCKET?} \
    > ${NOTEBOOK?} --param name=${NOTEBOOK?} --no-interactive
    2021-11-11T22:39:54.006763+0000 rok pid=150/tid=150/pytid=140696336713536 cli:1911 [INFO] Waiting for task `f36fbeee1bd94efc8f117432bb40c3d1' to complete
    Completed                                         [################################################] 100% Complete
     Registration Task
     Account            kubeflow-user
     Bucket             notebooks
     Task ID            f36fbeee1bd94efc8f117432bb40c3d1
     Action             register
     Level              0
     Parent             -
     Status             success
     Progress           100%
     Message            Completed
     Created At         2021-11-11T22:39:54.002619+00:00
     Started At         2021-11-11T22:39:54.045853+00:00
     Updated At         2021-11-11T22:40:06.863876+00:00
     Completed At       2021-11-11T22:40:06.863564+00:00
     Task Result
     Event ID     025c7697-f191-4c29-98e2-181943160b1f
     Version Information
     Account Name         kubeflow-user
     Bucket Name          notebooks
     Object Name          notebook2
     Version Name         1d2cdfec-90d1-48b4-bb23-793948497208
     Rok URL              http://rok.rok.svc.cluster.local/swift/v1/kubeflow-user/notebooks/notebook2?version=1d2cdfec-90d1-48b4-bb23-793948497208
     Size                 0
     Rok Fisk             local://rokgw-rok-dbc29df44f5648433bd087a963bb8b416ffe37d596907c883e231b76558b9273
     Object Name           Rok URL
     notebook2             http://rok.rok.svc.cluster.local/swift/v1/kubeflow-user/notebooks/notebook2?version=1d2cdfec-90d1-48b4-bb23-793948497208
     |-- data              http://rok.rok.svc.cluster.local/swift/v1/kubeflow-user/notebooks/notebook2_data?version=9810c9ea-0720-4b5e-b5db-b2159ec791f7
     |-- notebook2-volume  http://rok.rok.svc.cluster.local/swift/v1/kubeflow-user/notebooks/notebook2_notebook2-volume?version=b7c2e7b3-5c25-43be-85cc-08c7ad8e802d


    The task failed with an authorization error

    Rok tasks use the rok-task-runner service account that exists in the same namespace as the task for authorization. Therefore, if the task fails with an error similar to the following in its logs:

    2021-11-11T16:25:59.911064+00:00  ERROR  ApiException: (403)
    Reason: Forbidden
    HTTP response headers: HTTPHeaderDict({'Audit-Id': 'e95d761c-6dd3-4e72-ae27-a15b6e10a52f', 'Content-Length': '399', 'X-Content-Type-Options': 'nosniff', 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache, private', 'Date': 'Thu, 11 Nov 2021 16:25:59 GMT', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'})
    HTTP response body: {"kind":"Status","apiVersion":"v1","metadata":{},"status":"Failure","message":" \"notebook2\" is forbidden: User \"system:serviceaccount:kubeflow-user:rok-task-runner\" cannot get resource \"notebooks\" in API group \"\" in the namespace \"kubeflow-admins\"","reason":"Forbidden","details":{"name":"notebook2","group":"","kind":"notebooks"},"code":403}

    then the rok-task-runner service account does not have permissions to snapshot the notebook in the namespace in which you are trying to create the snapshot. If you are using default EKF permissions, this means you have to switch to the namespace of the notebook you are about to snapshot from the Kubeflow dashboard's namespace selector.

    Alternatively, if you wish to provide the rok-task-runner service account with access to the namespace of the notebook you are about to snapshot, follow the instructions in the Share Namespace section of the docs.

  1. Select Notebooks from the central Kubeflow dashboard.

  2. Select the namespace of the notebook you wish to snapshot using the namespace selector.

  3. Pick a notebook to connect to, and click CONNECT.

  4. Start a new terminal inside the notebook.

  5. Create a new Python file and name it

    jovyan@mynotebook-0:~$ touch
  6. Copy and paste the following code inside
    1# Copyright © 2021 Arrikto Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    3"""Snapshot a notebook."""
    5from rok_gw_client import RokClient
    7BUCKET_NAME = "mybucket"
    8# When running inside a notebook, leave this empty to create the snapshot in
    9# the current namespace.
    11NOTEBOOK_NAME = "mynotebook"
    12NOTEBOOK_NAMESPACE = "mynamespace"
    14# Initialize the Rok client
    15client = RokClient(account=BUCKET_NAMESPACE)
    17# Specify the snapshot parameters
    18commit_title = "Snapshot notebok %s" % NOTEBOOK_NAME
    19commit_message = "Snapshot notebook %s in namespace %s" % (NOTEBOOK_NAME,
    21params = {"name": NOTEBOOK_NAME,
    22 "namespace": NOTEBOOK_NAMESPACE,
    23 "commit_title": commit_title,
    24 "commit_message": commit_message}
    26# Create the snapshot
    27task_info = client.version_register(BUCKET_NAME,
    29 "jupyter",
    30 params,
    31 wait=True)
    32print("Successfully snapshotted notebook %s in namespace %s via task %s"
    33 % (NOTEBOOK_NAME, NOTEBOOK_NAMESPACE, task_info["task"]["id"]))

    Alternatively, download the Python file above and upload it to the notebook.

  7. Update the following fields in the file:

    1. Set BUCKET_NAME to the bucket you wish to create the snapshot in.

    2. Set NOTEBOOK_NAME to the name of the notebook you wish to snapshot.

    3. Set NOTEBOOK_NAMESPACE to the namespace of the notebook you wish to snapshot.
      1# Copyright © 2021 Arrikto Inc. All Rights Reserved.
      3"""Snapshot a notebook."""
      5from rok_gw_client import RokClient
      7-BUCKET_NAME = "mybucket"
      8+BUCKET_NAME = "notebooks"
      9# When running inside a notebook, leave this empty to create the snapshot in
      10# the current namespace.
      12-NOTEBOOK_NAME = "mynotebook"
      13-NOTEBOOK_NAMESPACE = "mynamespace"
      14+NOTEBOOK_NAME = "notebook1"
      15+NOTEBOOK_NAMESPACE = "kubeflow-user"
      17# Initialize the Rok client
      18client = RokClient(account=BUCKET_NAMESPACE)
      20# Specify the snapshot parameters
      21commit_title = "Snapshot notebok %s" % NOTEBOOK_NAME
      22commit_message = "Snapshot notebook %s in namespace %s" % (NOTEBOOK_NAME,
      24params = {"name": NOTEBOOK_NAME,
      25 "namespace": NOTEBOOK_NAMESPACE,
      26 "commit_title": commit_title,
      27 "commit_message": commit_message}
      29# Create the snapshot
      30task_info = client.version_register(BUCKET_NAME,
      32 "jupyter",
      33 params,
      34 wait=True)
      35print("Successfully snapshotted notebook %s in namespace %s via task %s"
      36 % (NOTEBOOK_NAME, NOTEBOOK_NAMESPACE, task_info["task"]["id"]))
  8. Run the script using Python 3:

    jovyan@mynotebook-0:~$ python3


    The task failed with an authorization error

    Rok tasks use the rok-task-runner service account that exists in the same namespace as the task for authorization. Therefore, if the task fails with an error similar to the following in its logs:

    2021-11-11T16:25:59.911064+00:00  ERROR  ApiException: (403)
    Reason: Forbidden
    HTTP response headers: HTTPHeaderDict({'Audit-Id': 'e95d761c-6dd3-4e72-ae27-a15b6e10a52f', 'Content-Length': '399', 'X-Content-Type-Options': 'nosniff', 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache, private', 'Date': 'Thu, 11 Nov 2021 16:25:59 GMT', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'})
    HTTP response body: {"kind":"Status","apiVersion":"v1","metadata":{},"status":"Failure","message":" \"notebook2\" is forbidden: User \"system:serviceaccount:kubeflow-user:rok-task-runner\" cannot get resource \"notebooks\" in API group \"\" in the namespace \"kubeflow-admins\"","reason":"Forbidden","details":{"name":"notebook2","group":"","kind":"notebooks"},"code":403}

    then the rok-task-runner service account does not have permissions to snapshot the notebook in the namespace in which you are trying to create the snapshot. If you are using default EKF permissions, this means you have to switch to the namespace of the notebook you are about to snapshot from the Kubeflow dashboard's namespace selector.

    Alternatively, if you wish to provide the rok-task-runner service account with access to the namespace of the notebook you are about to snapshot, follow the instructions in the Share Namespace section of the docs.


You have successfully created a snapshot of a notebook server.

What's Next

Check out the rest of the user guides available for Rok.