Authorize Inbound Traffic for Your EKF Deployment

This section will walk you through allowing trusted CIDRs to reach services running in your EKF deployment, including Rok and Rok Registry.


To sync between Rok clusters, you need to allow the Rok clusters to talk to your Rok Registry. Even if your Rok cluster and your Rok Registry cluster are co-located, you still need to go through this guide to allow outbound connections re-enter the cluster.

What You'll Need


  1. Go to your GitOps repository, inside your rok-tools management environment:

    root@rok-tools:~# cd ~/ops/deployments
  2. Edit the Kustomize patch, based on how you have exposed your services.

    Edit rok/nginx-ingress-controller/overlays/deploy/patches/ingress-alb.yaml and set the desired trusted CIDRs in the corresponding annotation:,  # <-- Update this line with your trusted CIDRs (comma separated)

    Edit rok/nginx-ingress-controller/overlays/deploy/patches/service-elb.yaml and set loadBalancerSourceRanges to the desired trusted CIDRs:

      - ""  # <-- Update this line with one of your trusted CIDRs
      - ""  # <-- Update this line with one of your trusted CIDRs

    Edit rok/nginx-ingress-controller/overlays/deploy/patches/service-azurelb.yaml and set loadBalancerSourceRanges to the desired trusted CIDRs:

      - ""  # <-- Update this line with one of your trusted CIDRs
      - ""  # <-- Update this line with one of your trusted CIDRs

    Edit rok/nginx-ingress-controller/overlays/deploy/patches/service-gclb.yaml and set loadBalancerSourceRanges to the desired trusted CIDRs:

      - ""  # <-- Update this line with one of your trusted CIDRs
      - ""  # <-- Update this line with one of your trusted CIDRs
  3. Commit your changes:

    root@rok-tools:~/ops/deployments# git commit \
    > -am "Reconfigure trusted CIDRs for NGINX"
  4. Apply the kustomization:

    root@rok-tools:~/ops/deployments# rok-deploy --apply \
    > rok/nginx-ingress-controller/overlays/deploy


You have successfully allowed trusted CIDRs to reach services running in your EKF deployment.

What's Next

You can check out the rest of the maintenance operations that you can perform on your cluster.