Access GKE Cluster

This section will guide you through getting access to your GKE cluster.


  1. Download credentials and configure the Kubernetes client:

    root@rok-tools:~# gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${GKE_CLUSTER?} Fetching cluster endpoint and auth data. kubeconfig entry generated for arrikto-cluster.


  1. Verify that your cluster runs with the appropriate Kubernetes version:

    root@rok-tools:~# kubectl version -ojson \ > | jq -r '.serverVersion.gitVersion' v1.21.5-gke.1805
  2. Get the list of nodes:

    root@rok-tools:~# kubectl get nodes NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION gke-arrikto-cluster-default-workers-a089030c-32wn Ready <none> 20m v1.21.5-gke.1805 gke-arrikto-cluster-default-workers-a089030c-7q2b Ready <none> 20m v1.21.5-gke.1805 gke-arrikto-cluster-default-workers-a089030c-gfc9 Ready <none> 20m v1.21.5-gke.1805


You have successfully configured access to your GKE cluster.

What’s Next

The next step is to enable the Workload Identity feature on your GKE cluster.