Upgrade Management Environment on Docker

This guide will walk you through upgrading your management environment, assuming it lives in a Docker container on your local machine.

What You’ll Need

  • A configured management environment for Arrikto EKF 1.5.3 or later.


  1. List your containers (running and stopped) and filter them by name:

    user@workstation:~$ docker ps -a --filter name=rok-tools --format="table {{.ID}}\t{{.Image}}" CONTAINER ID IMAGE c83c922d9dac gcr.io/arrikto/rok-tools:release-1.5-l0-release-1.5.3
  2. Identify your old rok-tools container in the above list and export its ID to a variable:

    user@workstation:~$ export OLD_ROK_TOOLS_ID=<ID>

    Replace <ID> with the ID of your old rok-tools management environment, for example:

    user@workstation:~$ export OLD_ROK_TOOLS_ID=c83c922d9dac
  3. Delete the old container:

    user@workstation:~$ docker stop ${OLD_ROK_TOOLS_ID?}
    user@workstation:~$ docker rm ${OLD_ROK_TOOLS_ID?}
  4. Create a new rok-tools with the new Arrikto image, attach your old data, and start it:

    user@workstation:~$ docker run \ > -ti \ > --name rok-tools \ > --hostname rok-tools \ > -p 8080:8080 \ > --entrypoint /bin/bash \ > -v $(pwd)/rok-tools-data:/root \ > -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ > -w /root \ > gcr.io/arrikto/rok-tools:release-2.0-l0-release-2.0.2


  1. Ensure that your management environment has the latest version of rok-deploy:

    root@rok-tools:~# rok-deploy --version Rok rok-deploy Build ID Rok 2.0.2 "Aurora" (release - release-2.0) (iliastsi@rok-dev) (GCC 6.3.0) 2023-03-31T13:49:56Z


You have successfully upgraded your management environment.

What’s Next

The next step is to switch your release channel to the release-2.0 release channel for EKF.